Bags & More | Nova Gorica | Supernova

Your new bag, purse, suitcase, backpack, a gift or your back to school gear waits at Bags&More! Choose among store brands at affordable prices or popular fashion brands.

Bags & More

Opening hours
Monday 09.00 - 21.00
Tuesday 09.00 - 21.00
Wednesday 09.00 - 21.00
Thursday 09.00 - 21.00
Friday 09.00 - 21.00
Saturday 08.00 - 21.00
Sunday Closed
Cesta 25. junija 1A
5000 Nova Gorica
Credit Card, Cash, Supernova Gift Card
Accessories and Jewelry
Cesta 25. junija 1A
5000 Nova Gorica
Credit Card, Cash, Supernova Gift Card
Accessories and Jewelry

Fashion accessories, travel bags, gifts and much more at Bags&More

Bags&More at Supernova Nova Gorica is a little fashion paradise for all handbag lovers! Here you will find a wide selection of high quality handbags, bags and purses at excellent prices and a vast choice of fashion accessories, such as wallets, belts, scarves, umbrellas and travel gadgets. Need a gift for a special someone? Bags&More brings cute notebooks, mugs, watches, cosmetics, cuddly bears and much more ideas for birthday gifts, special occasions or just because you want to make someone’s day.

Going on vacation, a weekend getaway or a long trip? At Bags&More you will find the perfect luggage for your needs. Discover the vast selection of hard case and soft case luggage, compact trolleys, carry-on bags and travel bags, or pack everything you need in a coordinated luggage set including a cosmetic bag. For your trendy back to school look you will find cool backpacks and other school supplies, and when you need something more professional, check out fancy business cases and computer bags for all your electronic devices.

Look for affordable brands, Travel&More, Fashion&More, Umbrella&More, Wallet&More, Bottle&More, La Mans and Rucksack Only, if you want fashion accessories at a great price. And don’t miss sales and promotions for an even greater bargain.

Handbags, stationery and more …

Bags&More and Office&More is a leader in the field of bags, luggage and stationery. The company with the distinctive trademark “&More” is the official reseller for over 30 popular brands, including Roncato, Eastpak, Picard, Valentino, Nici, Fila, Esprit, Desigual, Nike, adidas, Dakine, Reebok, Delsey, Swissbrand, Anekke and s.Oliver. It is present in the Slovenian market since 1991 and has currently more than 65 shops.

The slogan “More for You” underlines the vast selection of products, high quality and best prices. The company success is built on strategic choice of brands and original store brands that reflect the market and fashion trends. Bags&More is a true specialist for men and women fashion and travel bags, handbags, gifts, stationery, school supplies, promotional and business gifts. It has also led some successful collaborations for special school supplies lines with popular Slovene icons, such as Luka Dončić and Lepa Afna.

Moja pr(a)va šolska torba
Valid until 31. March 2025

Uresničite sanje svojega bodočega prvošolčka!

Vaš otrok jeseni vstopa v prvi razred? Naj bo ta pomemben korak še bolj poseben! Sodelujte v natečaju Bags&More kjer lahko vaš malček oblikuje svojo sanjsko prvo šolsko torbo – in morda jo bo resnično prejel.

Kako poteka?
Bodoči prvošolec pobarva posebno pobarvanko, njegova risba pa lahko postane navdih za izdelavo edinstvene šolske torbe – in takšno torbo dejansko lahko prejme!

Vsak sodelujoči dobi darilo
Ko pobarvanko oddate v eni izmed trgovin Bags&More, vaš otrok prejme:

  • vrečko za copate,
  • mini barvice Jolly,
  • kupon s popustom za nakup šolske torbe (veljavnost do 30.6.2025).

Glavna nagrada – 4 unikatne šolske torbe
Med vsemi sodelujočimi bodo pri Bags&More/Office&More izžrebali štiri otroke, ki bodo prejeli šolsko torbo z unikatnim dizajnom po njihovi risbi. Če bo kakšen izmed dizajnov še posebej izstopal, pa ga morda vključijo celo v redno proizvodnjo. 

Kako se prijaviti?
Obiščite najbližjo trgovino Bags&More ter prevzemite pobarvanko ali pa na spletni strani izpolnite prijavo, nato na e-naslov prejmete povezavo do pobarvanke. Ko jo otrok pobarva, jo skupaj oddate v najbližji trgovini Bags&More ter v zameno prejmete darilo.

Ne zamudite te priložnosti, da svojemu otroku omogočite prav poseben vstop v novo življenjsko poglavje – v šolo!

*Natečaj traja do 31.3.2025 oz. do razdelitve vseh daril.